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The Hartford Gymnastic

            Display Team

Our Display Team perform choreographed Gymnastic, Acrobatic, Dance, Trampet & Vaulting Routines throughout the year at events all around the Country.


If you would like more information about our Display Team or for them to perform at a specific event, please contact Michelle Oakes at

or on the gym telephone number 01606 782658  

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The team are back into training again after working on skills and elements throughout the summer.  We have some new members of the team who are already making a great start to learning new skills ready for our new routine.

What this space for more information on our new routine for 2025......


Gymfest 2024

The new "Olympic" routine was finished in record time ready for a performance in the gym for families and friends, then it was onto Scotland

With new members of the team performing for the first time and a full 7 minute routine to complete with costume changes and different choreography, the Team certainly had a challenge. But they took it on and smashed it. 

After the intricacies of the "Olympic" routine, the team got together to learn their skills & vaulting routine for their summer performance at Comberbach fete on 29th June.



A new event for the Team, but one we will definately be returning to after the welcome we recieved.  With a few girls missing, the team had to change formations and positions to make sure that the routine had the same shine as in Gymfest.  They definately made sure that happened!  Well done Team, you really made everyone proud.


Gymfest - Motherwell

Both routines were performed with energy and precision, wowing the audience and giving them the chance to see how amazing our Team really are.

more details to follow...



The team have been working on new skills and balances all through out the summer, ready for their new routines for 2024...

Watch this space.


Gymfest 2023!

What an amazing trip!

The team set off on their journey up to Edinburgh, Scotland for Gymfest 2023 last Friday.

Once everyone had checked in there was time to unpack and settle before tea was served up by Michelle, who not only played coach all weekend, but also chef!

Saturday was a very early start, but the team were up and ready to tackle their first performance at Gymfest 2023.

Nerves kicked in during the general warm up, but after a solid run through with the music it was time to shine and shine they did! The first performance was incredible, the crowd cheered and clapped throughout! What an incredible start!

An afternoon on the park and throwing themselves down the slides at the swimming pool was followed by tea out at Frankie and Benny’s and s’more’s on the beach.

Sunday was a slower start (thank goodness). Lunch boxes were packed up and it was back to Meadow Bank Sports Centre for day 2!

By mid afternoon it was time for the team’s final performance. The routine was phenomenal! Tumbles were upgraded, positioning was improved from the day before and everyone gave their all! The props and costume changes received great feedback and the team really stood out for bringing a routine with so much uniqueness to the event.

After their performance the team had the opportunity to enjoy watching other teams from all corners of the UK showcase their routines before the medal presentation.

Once medals were collected it was back to the bus and back to the caravans for chef/coach Michelle’s spaghetti bolognaise or vegetarian alternative! Cake for pudding, and a few TickTock videos later and the sun was starting to set. The team were given the option of a walk on the beach or back to their caravan to chill out. Those that decided to hit the beach, also decided to go for a paddle!

Monday morning came and it was time to pack and up and travel home. Until next time, Scotland!

What a trip and what a team! Well done Display Team, you are all awesome!


If you'd like to see their routine, pop over to our Facebook page or Youtube Gymfest23 - Hartford and take a look.



Cuddington Fete

A really hot day didn't stop the team amazing the crowd at Cuddington Village Fete.  They performed a skills routine followed by vaulting with team balances inbetween.  A high impact routine from a great group of girls.





The team went straight back into the gym to work on a new project for 2023 which would run alongside the Heaven & Hell routine. However, after much thought it was decided to rest the angels and devils and to focus on a new main routine for events in 2023.  Having worked on parts of a routine during lockdown, it was agreed that this would be re-vamped and planned for the new team routine for 2023......

The team are a few weeks behind where they usually are, but determination will see them through so everything will be ready for Gymfest next year, watch this space!


Davenham Carnival

Wow, Wow, Wow!  That was the only way to describe the event for the team.  With 7 new members of the team performing in their very first Display event, the nerves were understandibly there but they definately didn't show.

The team tumbled their way along the roads through Davenham village in the main procession.  Then after a long break, it was their thrn in the main arena.  Skills were performed, balances held and they finished off with an excellent display of their vaulting skills.

Even watching their performance back, brings a glow of pride.




Bolton Festival

The Team performed their Heaven & Hell routine for the first time outside of the gym and what a performance they gave.  Most of the Team were new to external events but that didn't phase them.

We are really proud of them all for the hard work and commitment they've made to make this routine so good.






Skills and new Routine training

The Team have been very busy since coming back to gym, working on new skills and elements which can be used in our routines for 2022.  Group balance work and some higher level skills have been very limited due to ongoing Covid regulations.  Howeve,r the team have already started to work on their new skills routines for 2022, been getting back to flying by introducing vaulting back into training and the theme for the new festival routine has been decided.

We have also welcomed a number of new members to the team who are already looking forward to events next year.


The program for 2022 is:

  • Skills routine, Vaulting & Balances for outdoor displays

  • "Heaven & Hell" for festival







Covid-19 Lockdown

The Display Team continued to work on their Abba routine even though their Gymfest trip had been cancelled.  Instead they took to their gardens and put the routine to another use, by raising awareness for Autism in a collaboration on YouTube with Andres Adams Music.  They were approached by Tracy Adams (Andre's mother) following... a video they

produced of everyone dancing to Oops Upside Your Head at home which was sent to Radio Northwich presenter and good friend Kim Smith to cheer her up during the Covid-19 Lockdown and support her with her battle against cancer.  The team performed sections of their 2020

routine 'ABBA' to Andre's track 'mouth' to show their support and to try and help increase awareness of Autism.  Please watch, like and share! Together we can all increase the awareness of Autism and continue to do great things during this global pandemic.


Ministrada, London Festival & our New Routine - Abba

After a fantastic finish to 2019 with their final performances of "Showman" at the London Festival & the British Ministrada in Liverpool,  the Display Team are currently working hard on their new routine "Abba" ready  for Gymfest 2020 in Motherwell.

We have welcomed 2 new members, Taylor Jackson and Amy Buckley, to our team and they are already showing that they are ready for new challenges and enjoying the whole Display Team experience.





See the Display Teams Facebook page for pictures and videos of their performances.


Hartford Picnic in the park

Another very warm afternoon saw the team perform their Showman routine & Vaulting skills to a very appreciative audience in Hartford.  Balances went up & the team flew through the sky over the vault.  This was the last outside performance for the team for this year.  They are now straight back in the gym

working on new skills and choreography for their new routine for 2020..... Abba!


Comberbach Fete

Wow! What a performance from the Display Team on Saturday! The team blew the audience away with their Greatest Showman routine, followed by balances and vaulting! It was the first time the majority of the team have vaulted outside

before and the first outdoor display for the team's newest members! The conditions weren't easy, with stifling temperatures and undulating ground, but the team were not phased. With every vault and balance nailed it was ice creams all round and... time for a very cold shower! Well done everyone! A 20 minute programme in 30°C is tough!


Bolton Arena Display

The team had an interesting journey to take part in the Bolton Gymnastics club gala at Bolton Arena.  The weather was terrible with high winds and heavy rain then they shut the motorway, but the team arrived with minutes to spare.

With a little juggling from the organisers (thank you Bolton GC), the team went on and performed Showman in style Image may contain: 10 people, people smiling, people on stage


Gymfest, Scotland 2019

Wow! What an amazing 3 days for the Display Team at Gymfest 2019, held at the Ravenscraig Sports Centre in Motherwell, Scotland!  A new venue meant unfamiliar surroundings and a rather chilly warm up hall on an athletics track (indoors I will add), but the team remained focused and performed 3 amazing routines!  I think it's safe to say, we came, we performed and we smashed it!

Watch the Showman routine from Gymfest by clicking the link below


Gymfusion Northwest 2019!

Wow, wow, wow! What an amazing performance from the Display Team at the

Liverpool Gymfusion on Sunday! The first outing of the new routine on a non sprung floor, but the team did not disappoint! They received many compliments for their performance from members of the audience and they wowed their friends and family too.  The team are looking forward to adding the final sections to the routine over the next few months before they take to the stage in Glasgow for the Scottish Festival of Gymnastics (Gymfest). The team are also looking forward to being reunited with Cadi, who unfortunately could not perform with them at the weekend, but thank you to Charlie for steeping in.  See the routine on our Display Team Facebook Page.


A great start to the New Year!

The Display Team performed their new routine "Greatest Showman" at a dress rehearsal for Gymfusion Northwest.  Everyone said that this routine is one of the best they had seen and The Team certainly put on the sparkle throughout their 6 minute performance.  They will be performing this routine at the M & S Bank Arena in Liverpool (formerly The Echo Arena) on Sunday 24th February between 4pm & 6pm




What a fantastic performance by the Display Team Wow, wow, wow! What more can we say! What an end to 2018 for the Display Team!  The team absolutely smashed their two final performances of Pitch Perfect at the London Festival over the weekend and received compliment, after compliment for their performances! They were even clapped in the warm up hall by teams from other clubs!  We couldn't ask for anymore! Guys you were amazing!

Watch their final routine by clicking onto this link


During our road trips and performances there has been 1 constant album being played, The Greatest Showman. The team have thoroughly enjoyed screaming... sorry, we mean singing along to all of the tracks from this amazing film.

So, Michelle has been editing the music and working on plans & choreography for the team to use this as their main routine for 2019.  The team have already started work on parts and are really enthusiastic. There are definitely going to be some Wow moments in this routine, watch this space!


Summer events...

Wow, was it hot!!

Even in blistering heat (and with a rather important football match happening at the same time as our performance at Antrobus!), the team wowed the crowd with their new "Chase" routine, skills and balances. The girls really did themselves & the club proud in very difficult conditions.  We would like to thank the audiences at  Antrobus Village Day, Hartford Picnic on the Green & Wincham School Fete for a wonderful welcome and some very enthusiastic cheers.  You can see more of the pictures on our Facebook page.


Hartford's Picnic on the Green, Michelle gave the team a challenge.  Ever since the gym was opened 21 years ago, she has wanted to build a balance around the main Hartford sign in the centre of the village. So, with a few wobbles, twigs in knees and lots of strange looks from passing cars, the balance was put up..... quite impressively I must add!  In true Display Team style (balances and skills happen anywhere and anyhow!), Emma decided to change the way to cross the road when the green man showed, and walked on her hands over the crossing much to the amazement of the waiting traffic!


York Gymfusion...

Another road trip with the team, this time to the York Barbican Theatre, where the they performed a shorter version of their Pitch Perfect routine. The response from the audience was great and we even made it onto the British Gymnastics Instagram page!

 Gymfest Aberdeen...


After working on a new routine and skills since September 2017, the Team, including 4 new members, were finally ready to show their completed routine  to our Gym Family, and what a fantastic response we got. This fired the Team up ready for their adventures to Gymfest 2018 in Aberdeen. The girls wowed the crowd with their routine to the theme of "Pitch Perfect". This had the audience clapping and singing along then raising the roof with cheers when the final balance was performed. Not only did we perform at Gymfest, but the team had lots of fun over the weekend too....




What a busy year for our new team with Festivals, Gymfest and BG Ceremony Duties.  The team went onto work with some of our Adults and Squad gymnasts to perform at the British Gymnastics Championship Series Gala.  We were given the theme of Family and considering some of our adult gymnasts hadn't done a forward roll up until this point, the routine was a great success with everyone coming off the floor at the end with a huge cheer, wanting to perform again!

Watch it by clicking on the link

The team of 7 has grown into a team of 12 again which includes 4 new members. The girls are currently working hard putting together their "Pitch Perfect" routine ready for 2018.

We know 2018 will be a busy year for the team with local events, Gymfest Aberdeen, Gymfusions and BG Ceremony duties.

After finishing our outdoor displays (some of which were rather wet!!), the girls were straight back into the gym working on their vaulting and trampetting to enable them to perform on this equipment next summer.



Summer Displays - The team performed at the following events:

Kingsley Primary School

Sandiway Village Gala

Wistaston Village Fete

Comberbach Village Fete




We had a very packed calendar of events. Here is where the team performed....

Saturday 13th June - Sandiway/Cuddington Gala day

Saturday 20th June - Wistaston Village Fete

Saturday 27th June - Riddings Lane Primary School

Saturday 4th July - Antrobus Village Day

Saturday 11th July - Wincham Primary School


Gymfest Irvine 2015

Wow....what a weekend!  The team took their annual trip to Scotland to

perform their "Carnival" routine and the new routine "Explosive" and what fantastic performances they were too! Even after some emergency alterations a week before, they worked tirelessly to make sure these routines were the best yet.  With 5 new members in the team, the nerves were jangling but you wouldn't have known, as the second the girls stepped onto the floor they performed out of their socks with intricate dance steps, neat skills and breath-taking balances.  An amazing weekend of performances from everyone. WELL DONE TEAM HARTFORD!!

See the "Explosive" routine

See the full "Carnivals" routine


Gymfusion Manchester

The team performed an amazing short "Carnival" routine to a packed audience of over 1000 people at the Lowry in Manchester. Follow the link to see the whole performance.


Gymfusion Hemel Hempsted I received a telephone call from BG asking if we would like to take part.  First issue, it's a 3 hour drive away. Second issue, the shortened main routine isn't quite finished . Third issue, not all of the team can make it....... "OK, Are you up for a challenge?" and the reply was most definitely YES!!  With 2 slots to fill and some of the team not used to display performances I was a little nervous for everyone, but I need not have been. The first routine was really good, the second performance was amazing. The team certainly pulled together and gave 100% which resulted in a fantastic performance. 


A lot has been happening in the gym since the new routine started to take shape in September. New tumbles, skill sequences, dance sections and balances have all been worked on, and our 5 newest team mates Rachel, Ella, Charlotte, Beth and Millie have settled in great.


Tarporley Carnival

What an amazing day at Tarporley Carnival. A busy day for the team, with a Procession through the town where the girls tumbled, leapt and built balances to the packed crowd along the roadside. Then a short break before they performed their Palladio and Vaulting routines.  Sore hands and feet didn't stop them from putting 100% into their performance which was greeted with cheers from the audience. Click on the link to see the Team in action at Tarporley


Lower Peover

Another great display at Lower Peover School. The team shone as much as the sun did, with a lot of impressed parents and spectators being wowed by the girls acrobatics. 


Comberbach Village Fete

 The weather hadn't been kind by soaking the field but this didn't put the Team off. They tumbled and balanced through the village in the procession then took to the arena late in the afternoon. All skills were greeted with cheers and applause. 



 7th June            Middlesbrough Festival


21st June          Wistaston Church Fete


28th June          Comberbach Village Fete


5th July            Peover Primary School


12th July          Tarporley Carnival


Gymfest 2014

Wow!!!!  "The best routines ever performed by the Hartford girls"

"We can't wait until your team perform, we think they are great!"

"The Hartford routines are always brilliant"

"One of the best routines at Gymfest"

These are just some of the comments from members of the audience and from other clubs. Our girls had worked really hard to make sure that nothing was going to stop this year from being as good as previous years, and their effort and dedication shone through making the 2 routines performed "Palladio" and "Musicals" clearly their best ever.     


Our new routines are looking good so far and we are already taking bookings for events in Spring & Summer.  What a very successful display season!  Well we have come to the end of another display season but we haven't stopped training yet. New routines are being developed and skills are being preped ready for September.  The team travelled to Manchester, Sheffield, Scotland and Stoke-on-Trent performing 6 festival routines. They also did 3 gym club displays, 8 local events and a road procession! Amazing work from an amazing team of girls.

The team were the finale at the Midlands Gymfusion with their "Fire" routine  being performed for the last time. The girls pulled out all of the stops and wowed the audience again. Well done Team for an amazing finish to a brilliant routine.




Gymfest Irvine 2013 “Fire”

The routines speak for themselves!  2 amazing routines performed by one of the best Display Teams in the country. See for yourself on the links below, then click onto our Facebook page to catch up on the whole Scotland adventure in pictures.

Sunday "Fire" routine

Friday "Quixote" routine


National Gymfusion Sheffield What a great performance!!

The whole team performed at this National event alongside Display Teams from up and down the country. Their "Fire" routine was commented on as being "amazing" by BG North West.

You can watch their whole routine by clicking on the link below.


After a final few weeks of training thrown into turmoil with a couple of the team falling ill and one of the girls badly injuring her foot, the girls really did pull out all of the stops and performed their new routine "Fire" to tremendous applause from the audience.


Where we will be in 2013....

17th February           North West Gymfusion

10th March                National Gymfusion Sheffield

3 - 6th May                Scottish Gymfest Irvine

May                           Kelsall Primary,  

26th May                   Midlands Gymfusion, Stoke-on-Trent

June                          Whitley Village Fete 

                                 Sandiway & Cuddington  Village day,

                                  Church Walk Primary,

                                  Riddings Lane Primary,                           

                                  Comberbach Primary

                                  Moulton Fete




This is where the team performed throughout the year...

12th Feb North West Gymfusion Manchester. 

4th-6th May Scottish Gymfest Irvine. 

12th May Great Budworth Primary School. 

26th May Sandiway & Cuddington Village Day. 

16th June Leftwich Primary School. 

30th June Church Walk Primary School, Riddings Lane Primary School, Comberbach Primary School. 

7th July Antrobus Village Day. 

14th July Tarporley Carnival.


Our Display Team have been very busy performing at 8 events since they returned from Scotland in May. Each event was very successful and was recieved with great enthusiasm from the crowd (even when it rained!)   Unfortunately we had to alter the content at some of the  events as the poor weather and soft ground made it unsafe to use our Trampetts, but the girls still performed some amazing skills, tumbles and balances.  We already have bookings for next year and the girls are back in the gym training new skills and working on their new routine for Gymfusion and Gymfest 2013.  WELL DONE TEAM, you were simply The Best!



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