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2020 News & Results

Here's what has been happening so far this  year...


April - Keeping our gymnasts busy at home

Even though the gym is closed, we have been keeping our gymnasts active and busy with daily Challenges, Conditioning & Stretching sheets, Cardio workouts and lots of encouragement through social medial and email.

The Display Team continued to work on their Abba routine even though their Gymfest trip had been cancelled. Instead they took to their gardens and put the routine to another use, by raising awareness for Autism in a collaboration on YouTube with Andre Adams Music


16th March - Covid-19 resulted in this letter being sent out….

To all of our Hartford gymnasts, their families and our Gym family.

We have been following the guidance from British Gymnastics regarding the Covoid-19 pandemic, and although they have said it is up to the individual choice of each club, we have made the sad decision to suspend all classes from 5.15pm on Saturday 21st March.

This decision has been taken in the interest of all our members, their families, our gym family of coaches and the local community.

We know that our club isn’t just a place where children can learn the sport of gymnastics, for some it is an extension of home, a place to catch up with friends, a place to escape to when things become difficult or somewhere they have grown up in.

We are very proud that our club means so much to so many people of various ages, however, it is not an exaggeration to say that this unprecedented situation may very well threaten our existence as a local gymnastics club for children to enjoy and flourish.

With this in mind, we would appreciate beyond measure, anyone capable and willing, of maintaining their direct debits and also, any donations people may be willing to provide. This is simply to ensure that our children still have a local gymnastics club to attend and enjoy when the present situation improves.

For those able to continue with their regular payments, we will ensure that you are reimbursed when the situation has improved enough, to allow us to regularly run gym classes again.

Over the next week, we will be putting gymnastic work plans onto our website for our gymnasts to do at home during this suspension period.

Hartford school of gymnastics has been open for over 23 years and we are very proud of everything we have achieved along the way with all of our gymnasts.

With this in our hearts and mind, we will do our very, very best to ensure that our gym opens again, so that our gymnasts can continue achieving their dreams.

Please continue to follow us through our Facebook, Twitter pages and our website for updates.

Thank you all for your continued support and we really hope to see you all again as soon as possible.

Take care of yourselves and your loved ones

Kind Regards

Charlie, Michelle, April & the Hartford school of Gymnastics family.


**Due to Lockdown restrictions put in place, we closed the gym on Friday 20th March.

Competitions & events were cancelled and our full gym calendar was put on hold.


February - Womens Artistic Club Grades

A great weekend at the North West Regional Grades competition in Wigan. The girls had been working so hard on the skills required for their grade.

 All of the girls competed a Vault, Bar routine, Beam & Floor routine plus a Strength and Flexibility routine and were awarded Commended and Pass marks for their performances.

 Grade 4 - Kaitlyn, Isla, Zara.

 Grade 3 - MIa

 Grade 2 - Amy

 Grade 1 - Philippa, Taylor, Katie

 A huge WELL DONE GIRLS, we are really proud of you all.


February - Ceremonies Team at Acro National Finals

The first outing for the Ceremonies Team this year at Fenton Manor.  The team were busy all weekend but also had the pleasure of watching the best sports acro teams in the country perform.


January - Boys Levels Competition

A fantastic day at gym with our Boys Development Squads competing in their Levels Competition.

27 boys competed on all 6 Olympic pieces of apparatus including a Physical prep routine on floor.

3 achieved Gold level, 20 Silver and 4 Bronze. We are very proud of all of our boys for their hard work.

A huge thank you to our Hartford Judges, Coaches, Gym family and Families of our gymnasts for making this competition a success.

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